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Here’s what past patrons of Mark’s Classic Cruise are saying.

June 2014

Hi Mark –

Last night was a magical evening for my wife and me. We had never been to Cruise Night before. To see all those beautiful cars of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s brought back many fond memories.

We felt honored that you set up a special E. Granby Veterans tent and dedicated the function to our group.

Ali was an angel. After you sent over the jacket to keep Barb warm she went home and brought back a quilt to help. Thank you both for your generous thoughtfulness. We had a wonderful evening. You are real and true patriots!


John Walker

July 2012

Just want to let you know how much I appreciate the GREAT job you do every Monday night. You, and your crew, from the girls that check cars in with a smile and a hello to the guys that let you safely exit through the fence, everyone is there to make sure that a good time is had by all. Special thanks go to Danny, Lee and Dennis. There are many other familiar faces but I don’t know all of their names. Your Cruise Night is truly a family-friendly event. It encourages young and old to share the appreciation of all types of special interest vehicles.

On a personal note, I was honored to be chosen a nightly winner last Monday. I take my cars and truck to your cruise so that people can see and enjoy them. They don’t do any good collecting dust in a garage! They are meant to be driven.

Keep up the GREAT cruise nights!!

Bob Bujak

1929 Pierce-Arrow

July 2010

From Art Dammers, Director, Valley Collector Car Club

The Valley Collector Car Club would like to thank the team at Mark’s for hosting our special theme night on July 5th. We had 19 club cars in attendance driving a diverse range of automobiles from a 51 Ford to a 78 MGB that make up our membership. The club choice was Janet Reed’s 1930 Model A Ford Panel truck. While the engine, brakes and suspension had been recently rebuilt, the body was left in it’s original paint as it was found in a Granby barn several years ago. During the Winner’s Circle presentation, Janet and her husband Steve got a kick out of Lee Mack presenting them with a Hot Body Wax kit from Hot Body Wax Worldwide. These were Janet’s first ever awards with her Model A and made for a most memorable evening. I personally attended Mark’s first cruise 15 years ago and continue to marvel at your ability to provide such a consistent experience week after week, year after year. The volunteers that plan, organize and execute each cruise are second to none. A special thanks to Joe Amenta for making me look organized and posting killer pictures of the VCCC on your website. Again, our sincere thanks for allowing us to showcase our club and annual VCCC Simsbury car show.

July 2010

From Mark: “Mark, Monday night is the first time at your cruise night. I took my girlfriend and her 16 year old boy. All of us had a really good time. I remembered the ’67 Camaro I owned and they were really amazed by the older cars especially the boy, who had never seen car’s like these. It was a nice family atmosphere, which is hard to find. Again, thank you very much.”

June 2010

From Rich & Barb:

Just wanted to say thank you for your work on the Corvette Night. It sure was a great turnout and it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves. The weather sure helped and getting the word out and having the Club Corvette-Connecticut bring so many members sure did the trick. Fortunately the event has grown each year. I went back through some old e-mails and posts we’ve made on the Corvette Forums to see if I could tell how many Corvettes had turned out since this was started this a few years ago…

I do recall there being 78 cars the first time which we thought was pretty good. In 2008 there were around 100 Vettes … in 2009 there were 201 Vettes, so this year’s turnout of 231 was super. The quality level of cars has also improved each year and the two cars given awards were great examples of their generation. By the way, the Theme Night plaque was a great touch and went over well. This years event was the smoothest ever and the parking direction sure made things go well. The Posse members and Doug Hecker from Club Corvette-Connecticut really handled things well and it was great to get Craig up in the lift to take the aerial shots. The feedback has been very positive and maybe – weather cooperating – we can bring out even more next year. See you next week.

June 2010

From Ed Hare:

I attended the corvette theme night with my grandchildren June 21st and all of us had a great time. While checking out the corvettes, a very nice lady asked my 8 year old granddaughter if she would like to sit in her red Corvette while I took her picture (attached). She was obviously thrilled. I want to thank Mark’s for putting together a superb show that attracts people like this wonderful lady who made my granddaughter’s day!! While I bring my vette to many shows and cruise nights locally you guys are, without a doubt, the best cruise night in the area. Thank you and keep doing what you do so well.

June 2010

Brandey Fogarty, NEMC Associated member:

“I want to extend my sincere thanks on behalf of the New England Mopar Club to not only yourself but also to Mark and the volunteers who helped park the cars coming in upon arrival. As we see every year Mark’s Cruise Night is a wonderful family event and this year we did have a couple of new people interested in our club. See ya all again soon.”

September 2009

From Gary O’Brien:

I heard about the disrespect given to Mark’s Cruise a few weeks ago. I have been a cop for 27 years and I am good friends with Resident Trooper Jeremy Powell. It’s hard to see all the good ones out there when the bad stick out so much. Your weekly event is a great family fun night and car enthusiasts like myself really appreciate it. Don’t let the few destroy a good thing. Thanks for everything Mark!!

July 2009

A first-time participant with a great question:

This past Monday night I went to the Classic Cruise for the first time and my wife and I really enjoyed it. Could you explain what the numbering system is about and how cars are judged? We got a windshield ticket with #549 and set up our truck and basically walked the fields amazed at all the great cars, bikes, and trucks. Are there judges, or fan votes?

This was the best cruise night we’ve ever attended. I’ll be back.

Mark’s response:

At Mark’s Cruise, we use the numbering system to keep track of the number of cruise vehicles. This helps us with parking and food preparation at future cruises. Trophies are awarded by several volunteers who are use guidelines that are posted on signs near the Winners Circle Area. Thanks for attending our Cruise.

July 2009

From Vic Camilleri:

Our Corvette Forum group would like to thank you for your help in scheduling the recent Corvette Night, over 200 Vettes! We usually come in weekly as a group and really appreciate having the cruise nights to look forward to.

June 2009

We recently received a letter from Brandy Fogarty, honorary member of the New England Mopar Club, thanking Mark and his staff for their dedication and recognizing the team efforts that keep everything running smoothly.